

Windblown.  This is my life.  Windblown.

I am caught up in the movement of the Holy Spirit.

I am grateful.  I am in love.

In this comes transition.  The last 9 years of my life have been transition.  Being windblown.

Transition is hard for me.  Is it hard for everybody?

I want and deeply desire to be windblown.  To blow with Holy Spirit.  To bend like a tree and fly like the leaves.  To plant seeds wherever the wind blows me.

This means in this season I am learning.  I am at school with 1200 people.  I am having to constantly meet new people. I have a revival group of 67 people.  Just when I finally meet some of them, I am blown into a small group inside of that revival group.  I have to meet these new people, too.  I am having to learn to do life with people whom I do not know well yet.  This is one of the most times I have ever been outside of my comfort zone.

It is comfortable to me to stand and lead and preach and teach.  I can talk with people and love on them.  Doing life with people is wayyyyyy outside of my comfort zone.  This has been a lesson in confidence, trust, honor, and love.

But this is also being windblown, right?  Right now this is where I have been blown.  It is a still spot with a small breeze.  A place of rest, a place of calm.  God’s Presence is here.  It is glorious!  But Oh!  How my soul is crying out because of being uncomfortable.  But this is how God can use me.  How He can teach me.  And there is Peace.

Sometimes, perhaps, we have to be willing to be blown into the uncomfortable places.  Maybe it is in these places that God is able to mold and shape and love us into who we truly are.  Who we truly are meant to be.

Then the wind of the Spirit will begin to blow again.  The tree will bend and sway.  And the leaves and seeds will be blown into a new realm.  A new place.

Windblown. ♥

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