Tag Archives: Leader



Reading Matthew today and came across this in my Bible.  It is a little section called “Kingdom Dynamics”.  Soooo good!

Being vulnerable can be so hard.  And yet, it is such a trait of a leader.

From Kingdom Dynamics on Matthew 26: 47-54

“Being vulnerable as a leader means to stand totally open as a human being, hiding nothing and refusing to defend oneself.  Few things elicit more of a response from people than the sense that they are dealing with someone who feels their pain and understands their need, which they discover only if the leader is vulnerable enough to disclose as much.  When Jesus refused to defend Himself the night of His arrest, Peter’s protective action severed the ear of the high priest’s bodyguard.  Immediately, Jesus reached out to heal His enemy, making Himself vulnerable to a return sword thrust, since His reaching for the man’s easily could have been interpreted as another hostile move.  Vulnerability may expose one to misunderstanding, but it also will bring healing.”

(Judg.6:1-8:35/Judg. 8:22,23; 9:1-57) J.B,

I think that just says it all. 🙂

Happy Friday!